Friday 3 May 2013

Hawaii Underwater

Forgot to say that we went on a submarine tour yesterday.
It was pretty cool - one of those tourist submarines with lots of portholes.

A boat took us out to one of the submarines. (There were two - one was the premier sub - perhaps with bigger portholes?)

We watched the first one dive and that was when it hit me that we were actually going under the water. A peculiar feeling - but too late to change my mind.

When you're actually inside the thing, it's fine. It was quite light and airy - not claustrophobic at all. It was quite amazing watching the depth indicator showing how far down we were going. Maximum depth was 122 feet - not bad - and what was really interesting was how colours change as you go further down.
My skirt was bright pink - and that got brighter. (Apparently neon colours do that) But the girl next to me was wearing a  dark green dress - which ended up going grey.

We spent an hour under the water and were supposed to see things like this: -


And we did - but my photos ended up more like this: -
Those fish swim pretty fast!
It was amazing - and they showed us two boats and two planes which had been sunken to create artificial reefs. That's where all the fish hang out. So there were long stretches of drifting seaweed and rocks and then suddenly lots of activity around the reefs - which you missed, if you weren't on the ball with the camera.
A good way to see Hawaii from down below.


  1. How fantastic! I've always wanted to do the Cousteau thing but was't so keen on swimming about in a rubber suit, sharks, sting rays and all that stuff. Much better inside a "safe" submarine.

  2. Were there any neon pink fish?
