Thursday 2 May 2013

Dinner - Wednesday 1 May 2013

Discovered a fantastic little Italian restaurant last night - called "Il Lupino" (little wolf?) just close to the hotel.

You know you're in the right kind of place when they bring you warm bread without asking - and automatically refill it as well - and drizzle good olive oil and balsamic vinegar into a dish to dip the bread in.

Entree was a plate of freshly sliced slivers of prosciutto and two other slightly different, yet very similar, types of cured meat. (The waiter told us what they were we were too hungry to take it all in.) Then there were three types of cheese - brie and something else and something else - and then three or four types of condiment - mustard, wasabi, something orange that looked like jam but tasted like horseradish - and possibly something else.
That was for Jim, and I had marinated peppers with goat's cheese and arugula - which was also delicious.

We both had pasta for main course. Mine was tagliatelle bolognese - with a heavenly sauce of pork and veal - and Jim's was linguine alla pescatore - plus a small bowl for the shells (another good sign). Waiters hovered with parmesan, cracked pepper and whatever else. We also had an extremely good red wine, recommended by the waiter. And all this for less than it would have cost in Melbourne.
We booked a table for the next night - this time outside so we can eat by the light of the typical Hawaiian gas torches.

Aaahh.... I can feel myself relaxing.......

1 comment:

  1. I'm pleased to see you are getting into the hang of things. Bit disappointed you didn't have any dessert. You are dining vicariously for me. Eat more!
